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<div style="color: #505050;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 14px;line-height: 150%;text-align: left;margin-left: 10px;"><h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B1" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>Pre-Approval Guidance List</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> How often does the FCC revise the Pre-Approval Guidance List of RF devices subject to the Pre-Approval Guidance procedure that TCBs must follow?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> There is no set schedule of revisions to this list. Per <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">47CFR&sect;2.964</a>, the FCC published the most recent list, <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">388624 D02 Pre-Approval Guidance List v16r04</a>, September 28, 2018, replacing the version published April 9, 2018. The updated list includes changes to PAG submission requirements for White Space Devices (WSD) and some technologies under the RF Exposure list. Prior to the April 9, 2018 revision, the list was last updated in 2016 and 2015. The PAG procedural document, <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">388624 D01 Pre-Approval Guidance Procedure v11r01</a>, has not been revised since its last publication date, October 16, 2015.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B2" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>Bluetooth Low Energy Certification</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> Can we certify our Bluetooth device as a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mode device under the FHSS rules as equipment class DSS?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> A Bluetooth device in low energy mode cannot be certified under FHSS rules. Because the advertising mode operation uses only three channels, and regular connections can drop to only two channels, a Bluetooth device in low energy mode does not meet the FHSS requirement for minimum number of channels. Your device must comply with <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">47CFR&sect;15.247</a>, or with <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">47CFR&sect;15.249</a>, if it qualifies under this rule part.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B3" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>Economic Operators under the RED</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> Which economic operators are identified in the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> There are four categories of economic operators defined within the RED - Manufacturers, Authorized Representatives, Importers and Distributors. Each has specific requirements and responsibilities for placing radio equipment on the EU market.</p>

<p>As you would expect, Manufacturers have the most requirements, but the role of Importers and Distributors in placing compliant radio equipment on the EU market cannot be overlooked. Importers and Distributors are not only required to verify/guarantee that the Manufacturer has met the majority of its own requirements, they have to meet their own specific requirements as well.</p>

<p>A Manufacturer can appoint an Authorized Representative located in the EU to act on its behalf in meeting its requirements. In order to ensure that all requirements are being met, it is imperative for the Manufacturer and the Authorized Representative to have an explicit written agreement that clearly states the Authorized Representative&rsquo;s tasks and responsibilities, which can vary greatly.</p>

<p>Further details on Authorized Representatives can be found in Section 3.2 of the <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Official Journal of the European Union 2016/C272/01 Commission Notice &ndash; The &ldquo;Blue Guide&rdquo; on the implementation of EU products rules 2016</a>.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B4" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>RED Economic Operator Responsibilities</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> What are the requirements for each category of economic operator to place RED-compliant radio equipment on the EU market?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">RED Articles 10, 11, 12 and 13</a> respectively define the requirements for Manufacturers, Authorized Representatives, Importers and Distributors.</p>

<p><strong>Manufacturer (RED Article 10)</strong></p>

<li>Guarantee radio equipment is designed and manufactured in accordance with the essential requirements in RED Article 3;</li>
<li>Perform conformity assessment procedures;</li>
<li>Guarantee the radio equipment can operate in at least one Member State;</li>
<li>Assemble technical documentation in accordance with RED Article 21;</li>
<li>Assemble a Declaration of Conformity (DoC)/simplified DoC to accompany the equipment;</li>
<li>Affix CE marking, and notified body number if applicable;</li>
<li>Add type or batch or serial number, or other element, to the equipment to allow its identification;</li>
<li>Add traceability information to the equipment (address, contact information, etc.);</li>
<li>Add geographical information in the event of restrictions;</li>
<li>Guarantee that the equipment is accompanied by instructions and safety information including the radio equipment frequency bands and power, as well as a description of accessories, components and software which allow the radio equipment to operate as intended;</li>
<li>Guarantee that production series remains in conformity with the RED;</li>
<li>When deemed appropriate, perform sample testing of radio equipment made available on the market, investigate, and, if necessary, maintain a register of complaints, non-conforming radio equipment, and radio equipment recalls, and inform Importers and Distributors of any such monitoring;</li>
<li>Take immediate action in case of non-compliance of equipment already placed on the market;</li>
<li>Cooperate with competent national authorities per RED Article 10.12 during their surveillance activities;</li>
<li>Retain the technical documentation and the DoC for 10 years after the radio equipment was placed on the market.</li>

<p><strong>Authorized Representatives (RED Article 11)</strong></p>

<p>If utilized, at a minimum an Authorized Representative will:</p>

<li>Ensure the equipment&rsquo;s EU DoC and the technical documentation are available to national market surveillance authorities for 10 years after the radio equipment was placed on the market;</li>
<li>As required for Manufacturers, cooperate with competent national authorities per RED Article 10.12.</li>

<p><strong>Importer (RED Article 12)</strong></p>

<li>Guarantee that only compliant radio equipment is being placed on the market;</li>
<li>Guarantee that the Manufacturer is compliant with Manufacturer requirements #1-10 and #12-14 listed above;</li>
<li>Inform the Manufacturer, and the market surveillance authorities, if there is reason to believe that radio equipment is not in conformity with the RED Article 3 essential requirements and presents a risk, and not make the radio equipment available on the market;</li>
<li>Add additional traceability information (name, address) to the equipment, or packaging, or accompanying document;</li>
<li>Guarantee that while radio equipment is under their responsibility, its storage or transport conditions do not risk its compliance with the essential requirements of Article 3;</li>
<li>Retain a copy of the DoC at the disposal of the market surveillance authorities and ensure that the technical documentation can be made available to those authorities, upon request, for a period of 10 years after the radio equipment is placed on the market. The Importer is advised to require formal assurance in writing from the Manufacturer that the documents will be made available when requested by a surveillance authority.</li>

<p><strong>Distributor (RED Article 13)</strong></p>

<li>Act with due care in relation to the requirements of the RED when making radio equipment available on the market;</li>
<li>Guarantee that the Manufacturer is compliant with Manufacturer requirements #3, 5-10, and #13-14 listed above;</li>
<li>Verify Importer has added traceability information (name, address) to the equipment, or packaging, or accompanying document to the equipment;</li>
<li>Inform the Manufacturer or the Importer, and the market surveillance authorities, if there is reason to believe that radio equipment is not in conformity with the RED Article 3 essential requirements and presents a risk, and not make the radio equipment available on the market;</li>
<li>Guarantee that while radio equipment is under their responsibility, its storage or transport conditions do not risk its compliance with the essential requirements set out in Article 3.</li>

<p>Note: The previously linked &ldquo;Blue Guide&rdquo; and the &ldquo;<a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Red Guide, Guide to the Radio Directive 2014/53/EU, Version of 05 June 2018</a>&rdquo; are excellent reference documents for the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU; each provides details that the other does not, so it&rsquo;s worth looking at all three documents.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B6" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a><strong>Standards Updates</strong></h4>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New CENELEC Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the CENELEC standards published or made available during the past month:</p>

<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257159,61445,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 60335-2-29:2004/A11:2018</a> - 10/5/2018 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for battery chargers</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258337,63172,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 62477-2:2018</a> - 9/28/2018 - Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment - Part 2: Power electronic converters from 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC up to 36 kV AC or 54 kV DC</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257225,59382,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 62822-1:2018</a> - 9/28/2018 - Electric welding equipment - Assessment of restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) - Part 1: Product family standard</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257239,58483,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 60204-1:2018</a> - 9/14/2018 - Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257157,67668,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 60079-1:2014/AC:2018-09</a> - 9/7/2018 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures &quot;d&quot;</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257157,67848,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 60079-18:2015/AC:2018-09</a> - 9/7/2018 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation &quot;m&quot;</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258337,60435,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 61204-3:2018</a> - 9/7/2018 - Low-voltage switch mode power supplies - Part 3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258337,61136,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 61800-3:2018</a> - 9/7/2018 - Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258337,61154,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 62040-2:2018</a> - 9/7/2018 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258743,67670,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 62586-2:2017/AC:2018-09</a> - 9/7/2018 - Power quality measurement in power supply systems - Part 2: Functional tests and uncertainty requirements</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258069,64889,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 63093-5:2018</a> - 9/7/2018 - Ferrite cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 5: EP-cores and associated parts for use in inductors and transformers</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258017,66948,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 60404-2:1998/A1:2008/AC:2018-08</a> - 8/31/2018 - Magnetic materials - Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258385,67230,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 60939-3:2015/AC:2018-08</a> - 8/31/2018 - Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 3: Passive filter units for which safety tests are appropriate</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258039,64244,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 62969-4:2018</a> - 8/24/2018 - Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interface for automotive vehicles - Part 4: Evaluation method of data interface for automotive vehicle sensors</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:2340498,62222,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN ISO 50001:2018</a> - 8/22/2018 - Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 50001:2018)</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258049,63185,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 61162-450:2018</a> - 8/17/2018 - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 450: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257963,62831,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 61265:2018</a> - 8/17/2018 - Electroacoustics - Instruments for measurement of aircraft noise - Performance requirements for systems to measure sound pressure levels in noise certification of aircraft</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258419,64201,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 62282-5-100:2018</a> - 8/17/2018 - Fuel cell technologies - Part 5-100: Portable fuel cell power systems - Safety</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CENELEC</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New ETSI Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the new ETSI standards published during the past month:</p>

<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI TS 136 521-1 V15.2.0</a> - October 2018 - LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Radio transmission and reception; Part 1: Conformance testing (3GPP TS 36.521-1 version 15.2.0 Release 15)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI TR 102 457 V2.1.0</a> - September 2018 - Fixed Radio Systems; Evaluation of the ElectroMagnetic Field (EMF) radiated by Line-of-Sight (LoS) fixed radio stations using parabolic dish directional antennas</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI TS 136 113 V15.2.0</a> - September 2018 - LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Base Station (BS) and repeater ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (3GPP TS 36.113 version 15.2.0 Release 15)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 300 698 V2.3.0</a> - August 2018 - Radio telephone transmitters and receivers for the maritime mobile service operating in the VHF bands used on inland waterways; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum and for features for emergency services</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 302 454 V2.2.1</a> - August 2018 - Meteorological Aids (Met Aids); Radiosondes to be used in the 1 668,4 MHz to 1 690 MHz frequency range; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 302 617 V2.3.1</a> - July 2018 - Ground-based UHF radio transmitters, receivers and transceivers for the UHF aeronautical mobile service using amplitude modulation; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 303 520 V1.1.1</a> - July 2018 - Short Range Devices (SRD); Ultra Low Power (ULP) wireless medical capsule endoscopy devices operating in the band 430 MHz to 440 MHz; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI website</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New IEC Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the new IEC standards published during the past month:</p>

<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62106-1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (10/5/2018) - Radio data system (RDS) - VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequency range from 64,0 MHz to 108,0 MHz - Part 1: Modulation characteristics and baseband coding</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CISPR 12:2018, Ed. 7.0</a> - (10/5/2018) - Vehicles, boats and devices with internal combustion engines or traction batteries - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off-board receivers</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61010-2-051:2018, Ed. 4.0</a> - (10/5/2018) - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-051: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for mixing and stirring</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62305-3:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (10/5/2018) - Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62368-1:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (10/4/2018) - Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61340-6-1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (9/24/2018) - Electrostatics - Part 6-1: Electrostatic control for healthcare - General requirements for facilities</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60364-7-722:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (9/21/2018) - Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-722: Requirements for special installations or locations - Supplies for electric vehicles</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62305-1:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (9/21/2018) - Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62305-4:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (9/21/2018) - Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61967-1:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (9/14/2018) - Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions - Part 1: General conditions and definitions</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62660-1:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (9/14/2018) - Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 1: Performance testing</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60079:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (9/4/2018) - Explosive atmospheres - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ISO/IEC 28360-1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (9/3/2018) - Information technology - Office equipment - Determination of chemical emission rates from electronic equipment - Part 1: Using-consumables</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62474:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (8/31/2018) - Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62923-1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (8/29/2018) - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Bridge alert management - Part 1: Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC TS 62600-30:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (8/29/2018) - Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 30: Electrical power quality requirements</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CISPR 16-4-2:2011/AMD2:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (8/15/2018) - Amendment 2 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CISPR 16-4-2:2011+AMD1:2014+AMD2:2018, Ed. 2.2</a> - (8/15/2018) - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62153-4-17:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (8/15/2018) - Metallic cables and other passive components - Test methods &ndash; Part 4-17: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Reduction Factor</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC TR 63170:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (8/15/2018) - Measurement procedure for the evaluation of power density related to human exposure to radio frequency fields from wireless communication devices operating between 6 GHz and 100 GHz</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62446-1:2016+AMD1:2018, Ed. 1.1</a> - (8/10/2018) - Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Requirements for testing, documentation and maintenance - Part 1: Grid connected systems - Documentation, commissioning tests and inspection</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61010-031:2015+AMD1:2018 CSV/COR1:2018, Ed. 2.1</a> - (8/6/2018) - Corrigendum 1 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held and hand-manipulated probe assemblies for electrical test and measurement</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60204:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (8/3/2018) - Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - ALL PARTS</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">US &ndash; FCC SDoC Procedure</h4>

<p>Effective November 3, 2018, the FCC SDoC procedure published November 2, 2017 in ET Docket No. 15-70; FCC 17-93 in the Federal Register, becomes mandatory. The SDoC procedure combines and replaces two longstanding approval procedures, the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) and Verification.</p>

<p>Examples of RF devices subject to SDoC procedures include, but are not limited to:</p>

<li>Computer peripherals;</li>
<li>Microwave ovens;</li>
<li>ISM equipment;</li>
<li>Switching power supplies;</li>
<li>LED light bulbs;</li>
<li>Radio receivers;</li>
<li>TV interface devices.</li>

<p>Click <a href=";switch=P" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">here</a> for FCC guidance on the use of the SDoC procedure and an SDoC FAQ document.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Canada &ndash; Release of ICES-006, Issue 3</h4>

<p>On July 31, 2018, Canada&rsquo;s Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) published <a href="$file/ICES-NMB-006-v3-eng.pdf" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Interference-Causing Equipment Standard ICES-006, Issue 3, AC Wire Carrier Current Devices (Unintentional Radiators)</a>, replacing ICES-006, Issue 2, dated June 2009. The main changes are as follows:</p>

<li>Removed requirements that are common to various ICES standards and instead added a normative reference to ICES-Gen;</li>
<li>Updated the other normative references with corresponding latest editions;</li>
<li>Removed the output voltage test method and limits;</li>
<li>Clarified the radiated emissions test methods and limits (both on the test site and in-situ).</li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Canada &ndash; Release of RSS-251, Issue 2 and RSS-220, Issue 1, Amendment 1</h4>

<p>In July 2018, Canada&rsquo;s Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) published <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Radio Standard Specification RSS-251, Issue 2, Vehicular Radar and Airport Fixed or Mobile Radar in the 76-81 GHz Frequency Band</a>, replacing RSS-251, Issue 1, Field Disturbance Sensors in the Bands 46.7-46.9 GHz (Vehicular Radar) and 76-77 GHz (Vehicular and Airport Fixed Radar). The main changes are as follows:</p>

<li>Field disturbance sensors operating in the 46.7-46.9 GHz frequency band for vehicular radar purposes have been removed from the scope of the standard to harmonize with the global migration of vehicular radar to the 76-81 GHz frequency band.</li>
<li>A six-month transition period has been included to accommodate the phase out of 46.7-46.9 GHz vehicular radar devices.</li>
<li>A six-month transition period has been included to accommodate the compliance of 76-77 GHz vehicular radar devices and airport fixed radar to RSS-251, Issue 2 requirements.</li>
<li>The frequency band for vehicular radar and airport fixed (now also for airport mobile radar) has been expanded from 76-77 GHz to 76-81 GHz, to harmonize with the global usage of the frequency band.</li>
<li>The scope of the term &ldquo;vehicle&rdquo; has been included in the purpose and application of the current standard to identify vehicle types that fall within the scope of this standard. This includes aircraft-mounted radars for ground operations while within airport air operations areas.</li>
<li>The scope of airport radar systems has been expanded to allow fixed or mobile radar systems for airport air operations purposes, in addition to those previously listed (foreign object debris detection and monitoring of aircrafts and service vehicles in service areas where there is no public access).</li>
<li>A requirement to implement a radar deactivation mechanism when an aircraft becomes airborne, has been implemented as aircrafts&rsquo; use of the 76-81 GHz radars is intended exclusively for their operation while on the ground, in airport air operations areas.</li>
<li>New sections to address certification and licensing requirements information (license-exempt) have been included in the general section (Section 3).</li>
<li>The sections referencing RSS-102 (for radio frequency exposure) and RSP-100 (for certification of radio apparatus) have been removed. These are referenced by RSS-Gen, which is referenced by this current standard.</li>
<li>The allowance to transmit information in addition to the primary radar functions, which was applicable to radar devices in the bands 46.7-46.9 GHz and 76-77 GHz, was removed. Radar (i.e. vehicular and airport fixed or mobile radar) is the only permitted use by devices under the scope of this current standard.</li>
<li>The method of measurements and limits for average e.i.r.p. and peak e.i.r.p. spectral density for 76-81 GHz radars have been reviewed and prescribed accordingly.</li>
<li>The unwanted emission requirements for 76-81 GHz radars have been reviewed and prescribed accordingly.</li>

<p>Also published in July 2018 was <a href="$FILE/RSS-220-I1-EN.pdf" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Radio Standard Specification RSS-220, Issue 1, Amendment 1, Devices Using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology</a>, which sets out the transition period for the certification, manufacture, importation, distribution, lease, offer for sale, or selling of, vehicular radar devices using ultra-wideband technology in the band 22-29 GHz.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU - RED Updated with Standards for ULP Wireless Medical Devices</h4>

<p>Recently, the following standards have been added to the European Union&rsquo;s Radio Equipment Directive (RED):</p>

<li><u>EN 302 454 V2.2.1</u><br>
Meteorological Aids (Met Aids); Radiosondes to be used in the 1668.4 MHz to 1690 MHz frequency range; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>
<li><u>EN 302 617 V2.3.1</u><br>
Ground-based UHF radio transmitters, receivers and transceivers for the UHF aeronautical mobile service using amplitude modulation; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>
<li><u>EN 303 520 V1.1.1</u><br>
Short Range Devices (SRD); Ultra Low Power (ULP) wireless medical capsule endoscopy devices operating in the band 430 MHz to 440 MHz; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Russia/Eurasian Economic Union &ndash; Energy Efficiency Labels</h4>

<p>On July 17, 2018, a draft of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) regarding the requirements for energy efficiency of energy-consuming devices was approved by the Commission. The Commission will soon decide on the date when the Technical Regulations will enter into force on the territory of the EAEU countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan). Additional information can be found on <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">the official EEC website</a>.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Israel - MOC Reduces Type Approval Certificate Validity</h4>

<p>On August 20, 2018, Israel&#39;s Ministry of Commerce, MOC, announced the decision to shorten the length of validity of MOC Type Approval Certificates from five years to two years. This change is currently being enforced, however Type Approval Certificates with 1 year validity remain unchanged.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">China &ndash; New SRRC Regulations</h4>

<p>China&rsquo;s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced its plan to implement new SRRC regulations. Effective October 15, 2018, SRRC test fees will be cancelled and paid for by MIIT in order to reduce the transaction costs and burdens for manufacturers. Though fees are waived, devices still require SRRC certification and testing at an approved test laboratory, and must have the CMIIT ID approval number affixed. <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Link</a></p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Ecuador &ndash; New Regulations Released</h4>

<p>Recently, Ecuador&#39;s ARCOTEL (La Agencia de Regulaci&oacute;n y Control de las Telecomunicaciones) published <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Resoluci&oacute;n ARCOTEL-2018-0661</a> with three significant changes:</p>

<li>Annex 1: Devices that do not require homologation except for specific terminal equipment (p. 9);</li>
<li>Annex 2: Devices that do require certification (p. 23);</li>
<li>Frequencies that are restricted from use (p. 21)</li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Vietnam &ndash; New Circular Published Radio Equipment and Lithium Batteries</h4>

<p>Effective July 1, 2018, Vietnam&rsquo;s Authority Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) published Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BTTTT listing products requiring Type Approval Certificate (TAC) and/or Declaration of Conformity (DoC), and official guide No. CV 1551/BTTTT-KHCN to this Circular. Note that Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BTTTT replaces Circular 42/2016/TT-BTTTT). Changes to the new Circular are as follows:</p>

<li>New EMC standard QCVN112 (harmonized with EN301489-17) replaces QCVN18 for the following equipment:
<li>Radio equipment operating in 2.4 GHz band using spread spectrum modulation with output power above 60mW;</li>
<li>Radio access equipment operating in 5 GHz band;</li>
<li>High data rate radio access transmitters and transceiver operating in the 60 GHz band.</li>
<li>Lithium batteries for laptops, mobile phones and tablets are subject to compliance to item 2.6 - Safety requirements of QCVN 101:2016/BTTTT, or IEC 62133.</li>

<p>It should be noted that TACs and DoCs issued before July 1, 2018 remain valid until their expiration dates.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Chile &ndash; Increases in Maximum Power Output for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz (WLAN and BT Devices)</h4>

<p>Recently, Chile&rsquo;s regulatory authority, Subsecretar&iacute;a de Telecomunicaciones (SUBTEL), modified its regulations for WLAN and BT to allow up to 1 W maximum power output, a significant increase from the prior 150 mW allowance. Additional changes are as follows:</p>

<li>Band 5725-5850 MHz now has the same value for outdoor and indoor devices at 1 W; previously, the outdoor operation had to be 50 mW.</li>
<li>Band 5150-5250 MHz is still restricted to indoor only, but now the limit is 200 mW instead of 150 mW.</li>

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<div style="color: #505050; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 14px; line-height: 150%; text-align: left; margin-left: 10px;">
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B1"></a><strong>Multipoint Newsletter January 2018</strong></h4>
<p><h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B1"></a>UWB Device Bandwidth Limitation</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> We have an ultra-wideband (UWB) device designed for a European military application that we would like to certify with the FCC. What is the FCC&rsquo;s bandwidth limitation for a UWB device?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> FCC compliance requires that the entire fundamental bandwidth (the portion of the spectrum between the outermost &minus;10 dB points) be completely contained within the authorized frequency band. Therefore, it is not acceptable if only the center frequency of the UWB device is within the FCC authorized frequency band. In the case of a ground penetrating radar (GPR) seeking authorization per 47CFR&sect;15.509, the emissions spectrum fundamental bandwidth must be located below 960 MHz.</p>

<p>For additional UWB information, please refer to the <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">UWB FAQ KDB</a> published January 29, 2018.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B2" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>UWB Application Requirements</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> We are seeking FCC certification for our UWB device. What information must we include with the application?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> In addition to the requirements specified in 47CFR&sect;2.947, 47CFR&sect;2.911, 47CFR&sect;2.1033(b), 47CFR&sect;15.31, 47CFR&sect;15.203, and 47CFR&sect;15.521, the following information is required for a UWB certification:</p>

<li>UWB application category (e.g., imaging device, indoor system, handheld device), with the applicable rule section from 47CFR&sect;15.509 - 47CFR&sect;15.519.</li>
<li>The lower and upper &minus;10 dB frequencies (f<sub>L</sub> and f<sub>H</sub>, respectively) and the frequency of the maximum observed emission level (f<sub>M</sub>), including a frequency vs. amplitude plot to graphically depict these values.</li>
<li>The maximum radiated emissions, including narrowband emissions, and the associated frequencies observed in each frequency band identified in the applicable emission limit tables.</li>
<li>If no emissions observed in the aforementioned frequency bands, the minimum sensitivity (noise floor) of the measurement system in these bands should be reported in order to show that the measurement system can detect emissions down to the level indicated by the applicable emissions limit.</li>
<li>If applicable, all digital circuitry emissions exceeding the applicable UWB limits, and a complete description of the process used to justify invoking the exception stated in 47CFR&sect;15.521(c).</li>
<li>Frequency vs. amplitude plots depicting the measured fundamental emission, the out-of-band emission domain, and the emissions into the GPS frequency bands.</li>
<li>Where applicable, the location of required operating labels and/or a manual disable switch.</li>
<li>Photographs depicting the measurement system set-up and the device under test.</li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B3" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>Radio Equipment Directive Compliance Association</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> Though we submit similar products of the same type, we find that the Notified Bodies (NBs) we utilize often provide different opinions about seemingly the same product. How does the European Union (EU) ensure consistency of the application of the standards amongst the NBs?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> The Radio Equipment Directive Compliance Association (REDCA) was established so the conformity assessment procedures are applied consistently by all parties in order to promote an open and competitive market throughout Europe.</p>

<p>The REDCA has the following responsibilities:</p>

<li>Contribute to the effective implementation of the relevant legislation.</li>
<li>Facilitate conformity assessment practices within the regulatory sector.</li>
<li>Interface with organizations such as ETSI, the ECC (Electronic Communications Committee of the CEPT) and ADCO RED (Group on ADministrative COoperation).</li>
<li>Issue Technical Guidance Notes (TGNs) developed to assist the NBs (some TGNs may have useful background information for manufacturers).</li>
<li>Provide other type of reference documents to support the NBs.</li>

<p>Additional information on the REDCA can be found in the RED Guide Section 6 and Annex I, and at <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B4" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>Custom-Built Evaluation Kits under the RED</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> At the request of a customer, we manufactured a wireless device that we consider to be a custom-built evaluation kit, and therefore exempt from the RED. What criteria define a custom-built evaluation kit?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> The criteria for a custom-built evaluation kit are:</p>

<li>The wireless device must be built specifically at the request of, and per the requirements of, a customer or a group of customers that may be involved in the research and development of the wireless device, or certain characteristics of the wireless device.</li>
<li>The wireless device must be a unique design and have characteristics that make it suitable only for research and development projects.</li>

<p>Note: If the kit is provided to customers on a regular basis, or the kit is no longer used for the joint research and development project for which it was intended, the kit can no longer be considered a custom-built evaluation kit and is now subject to the RED.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B6" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a><strong>Standards Updates</strong></h4>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New CENELEC Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the CENELEC standards published or made available during the past month:</p>

<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:17372,59043,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN ISO/IEC 17011:2017</a> - 12/13/2017 - Conformity assessment - Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies (ISO/IEC 17011:2017)</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:17372,59387,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017</a> - 12/13/2017 - General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2017)</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258815,62146,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CLC/TR 50669:2017</a> - 12/15/2017 - Investigation Results on Electromagnetic Interference in the Frequency Range below 150 kHz</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258483,62212,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 50364:2018</a> - 1/12/2018 - Product standard for human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 300 GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258713,63004,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 50636-2-107:2015/A1:2018</a> - 1/12/2018 - Safety of household and similar appliances - Part 2-107: Particular requirements for robotic battery powered electrical lawnmowers</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258483,62811,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CLC/TR 50442:2018</a> - 1/19/2018 - Guidelines for product committees on the preparation of standards related to human exposure from electromagnetic fields</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257157,64307,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 60079-7:2015/A1:2018</a> - 1/19/2018 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety &quot;e&quot;</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258289,66353,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 61000-6-5:2015/AC:2018-01</a> - 1/19/2018 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-5: Generic standards - Immunity for equipment used in power station and substation environment</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258337,66352,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 62927:2017/AC:2018-01</a> - 1/19/2018 - Voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) - Electrical Testing</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258281,62337,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 63044-3:2018 - 1/19/2018</a> - Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) - Part 3: Electrical safety requirements</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258289,62782,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 55016-1-2:2014/A1:2018</a> - 2/2/2018 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Coupling devices for conducted disturbance measurements</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CENELEC</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New ETSI Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the new ETSI standards published during the past month:</p>

<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 303 980 V1.1.1</a> - (December 2017) - Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonised Standard for fixed and in-motion Earth Stations communicating with non-geostationary satellite systems (NEST) in the 11 GHz to 14 GHz frequency bands covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 300 718-1 V2.1.1</a> - (January 2018) - Avalanche Beacons operating at 457 kHz; Transmitter-receiver systems; Part 1: Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 300 718-2 V2.1.1</a> - (January 2018) - Avalanche Beacons operating at 457 kHz; Transmitter-receiver systems; Part 2: Harmonised Standard for features for emergency services</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 303 454 V1.1.1</a> - (January 2018) - Short Range Devices (SRD); Metal and object detection sensors in the frequency range 1 kHz to 148,5 kHz; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 301 598 V2.1.1</a> - (January 2018) - White Space Devices (WSD); Wireless Access Systems operating in the 470 MHz to 790 MHz TV broadcast band; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI TS 137 145-2 V14.3.0</a> - (January 2018) - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Active Antenna System (AAS) Base Station (BS) conformance testing; Part 2: radiated conformance testing (3GPP TS 37.145-2 version 14.3.0 Release 14)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI TS 137 145-2 V13.5.0</a> - (January 2018) - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); LTE; Active Antenna System (AAS) Base Station (BS) conformance testing; Part 2: radiated conformance testing (3GPP TS 37.145-2 version 13.5.0 Release 13)</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI website</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New IEC Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the new IEC standards published during the past month:</p>

<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC TR 61340-1:2012/COR2:2017, Ed. 1.0</a> - (12/13/2017) - Corrigendum 1 - Electrostatics - Part 1: Electrostatic phenomena - Principles and measurements</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61340-4-3:2017, Ed. 2.0</a> - (12/19/2017) - Electrostatics - Part 4-3: Standard test methods for specific applications - Footwear</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60825:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (1/8/2018) - Safety of laser products - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC PAS 61076-3-126:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (1/9/2018) - Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-126: Rectangular connectors - Detail specification for 5 pole power connector for industrial environments with push-pull locking</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC PAS 63151:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (1/9/2018) - Measurement procedure for the assessment of specific absorption rate of&nbsp;human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices - Vector measurement-based systems (Frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61097-7:1996+AMD1:2018, Ed. 1.1</a> - (1/10/2018) - Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 7: Shipborne VHF radiotelephone transmitter and receiver - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61097-7:1996/AMD1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (1/10/2018) - Amendment 1 - Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 7: Shipborne VHF radiotelephone transmitter and receiver - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62228-1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (1/15/2018) - Integrated circuits - EMC evaluation of transceivers - Part 1: General conditions and definitions</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60364-4-44:2007+AMD1:2015+AMD2:2018, Ed. 2.2</a> - (1/16/2018) - Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60364-4-44:2007/AMD2:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (1/16/2018) - Amendment 2 - Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61162-460:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (1/19/2018) - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 460: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection - Safety and security</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60335-2-114:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (1/26/2018) - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-114: Particular requirements for self-balancing personal transport devices for use with batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61000-3-2:2018, Ed. 5.0</a> - (1/26/2018) - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current &le;16 A per phase)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61000-3-2:2018, Ed. 5.0</a> - (1/26/2018) - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current &le;16 A per phase)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61000-3:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (1/29/2018) - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3: Limit - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61340-4-4:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (1/30/2018) - Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61340-4-4:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (1/30/2018) - Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62153-4-7/AMD1:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (2/2/2018) - Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-7: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Test method for measuring of transfer impedance ZT&nbsp;and screening attenuation aS&nbsp;or coupling attenuation aC&nbsp;of connectors and assemblies up to and above 3 GHz - Triaxial tube in tube method</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Canada &ndash; RSS-133 Issue 6 Published</h4>

<p>On January 19, 2018, Canada&rsquo;s <em>Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)</em> published <a href="$file/RSS-CNR-133-amendment1.pdf" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Radio Standards Specification 133, Issue 6, 2 GHz Personal Communications Services</a>, replacing Issue 5 dated February 2009. Listed below are the changes:</p>

<li>The stated requirement that RSS-133 be used in conjunction with RSS-Gen, General Requirements and Information for the Certification of Radio Apparatus, has been moved to Section 3.1.</li>
<li>The alternative out-of-block emission limit in any 30&nbsp;kHz measurement bandwidth for base station equipment has been removed.</li>
<li>The Electronic Serial Number (ESN) and the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) feature has been removed.</li>
<li>The provision for Digital Packet Data (DPD) systems has been removed.</li>
<li>The provision for cordless-mode telephone base stations has been removed.</li>
<li>The specification that equipment&rsquo;s transmit power shall be measured in terms of average power has been added.</li>
<li>A minor amendment has been made to Section 6.4 Transmitter Output Power and Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power to remove the reference to the base station output power requirement.</li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Taiwan - Technical Regulation for Low-power Radio-frequency Devices</h4>

<p>On January 10, 2018, Taiwanese Regulator <em>National Communications Commission (NCC)</em> published the definitive version of Technical Regulation LP0002 for Low-power Radio-frequency, effective immediately upon publication. The main changes are as follows:</p>

<li>Additional frequency bands available for RFID devices from 922-928&nbsp;MHz to 920-928&nbsp;MHz.</li>
<li>Addition of newly announced frequency bands for mobile broadband business to the Frequency Allocation Table.</li>
<li>Allocation of 920-925&nbsp;MHz for &lsquo;other IoT devices&rsquo;.</li>

<p>For any devices currently approved with UHF RFID technology, such devices may only operate on the previously permitted band 922-928&nbsp;MHz. If manufacturers would like any currently approved devices to use the extended range of 920-928&nbsp;MHz, then a new approval will be required.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Korea - Notice for U.S. Test Labs Recognized by RRA</h4>

<p>On January 29, 2018, Korea&rsquo;s <em>Radio Research Agency (RRA)</em> issued an updated <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Annex I</a> as follows:</p>

<li>As of January 1, 2018, RRA will no longer accept the permissive change requests for KN&nbsp;13, KN&nbsp;20, KN&nbsp;22 and KN&nbsp;24. As such, these 4 standards have been removed from the RRA recognitions of all U.S. labs. This change is reflected on the <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Scope of Recognition for each RRA recognized US lab</a>.<br>
<em>FYI - when RRA transitioned to the use of KN&nbsp;32 and KN&nbsp;35, the old KN standards KN&nbsp;13, KN&nbsp;20, KN&nbsp;22, and KN&nbsp;24 were repealed. However, RRA continued to accept permissive change reports to those KN standards for products that had been placed on the market before January 1, 2016. That acceptance period ended December 31, 2017</em>.</li>
<li>Reminder for Test Labs: RRA-recognized test labs must meet the <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">equipment calibration intervals specified by RRA</a> regardless of the manufacturer&#39;s recommendations. The RRA-specified calibration intervals are mandatory and no flexibility is allowed.</li>

<p>For the list of requirements for designation to Korea (RRA), please visit the <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">NIST TEL MRA Korea webpage</a>.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Columbia - Deadline for LoNA to be Extended</h4>

<p>On January 26, 2018, Colombian Regulator, <em>Comisi&oacute;n de Regulaci&oacute;n de Comunicaciones (CRC)</em>, issued Resoluci&oacute;n 5300, extending the February 1, 2018 deadline for obtaining LoNA (Letter of No Action) requests for data-only mobile terminals. CRC has yet to confirm the revised deadline for such requests. Currently, only mobile terminal devices with voice function require formal Type Approval at CRC. CRC will continue to issue LoNA&rsquo;s for any data-only mobile terminal device until further notice. Any such device with a LoNA in place will be exempt from formal Type Approval once the CRC implement their new Type Approval policy for all mobile terminal devices.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Thailand - Frequency Band Criteria for Wireless Microphones</h4>

<p>Thailand&rsquo;s <em>National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)</em> recently issued a document detailing the criteria for frequency band usage for wireless microphones as a supplement to the new standard for wireless microphones. Major points are detailed below:</p>

<li>The 803-806&nbsp;MHz band can be used for wireless microphones effective immediately.</li>
<li>Use of the 694-703&nbsp;MHz and 748-758&nbsp;MHz bands will be permitted starting January 1, 2021. Although Type Approval can be sought from June 1, 2018, import and use for these frequencies will only be permitted from 2021 onwards.</li>
<li>The three new bands are all license-exempt.</li>

<p>Type Approval certificates issued under the old standard for 794-806&nbsp;MHz wireless microphones will continue to be valid until December 31, 2020. After this transition period, these Type Approval certificates will become invalid and manufacturers should apply for new Type Approval certificates under the new standard. All wireless microphones using 794-806 MHz should be adjusted to 803-806&nbsp;MHz before December 31, 2020.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Hong Kong &ndash; New Publication for 920&ndash;925 MHz Devices</h4>

<p>In December 2017, Hong Kong&rsquo;s <em>Communications Authority</em> published HKCA 1078, a new specification for Radio Equipment operating at 920-925&nbsp;MHz for the provision of Public Telecommunication Services. This new specification co-exists in parallel with specification HKCA 1049, which applies to RFID equipment operating in the same frequency range of 920-925&nbsp;MHz. Due to the publication of HKCA 1078, it is now possible to apply for Type Approval for &lsquo;Radio Equipment for the provision of Public Telecommunication Services&rsquo; operating at 920-925&nbsp;MHz, provided that the technical requirements outlined in Section 4 of this regulation are met. RFID equipment operating at 920-925&nbsp;MHz can continue to be approved in Hong Kong in compliance with HKCA 1049.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Brazil - ANATEL Replaces Act 11542/2017</h4>

<p>On January 2, 2018, Brazil regulator, <em>ANATEL</em>, published Act 14448/2017 for Restricted Radiocommunication Equipment, replacing Article 1 of Act 11542. The main changes are listed below and become effective 90 days after the publication of this Act:</p>

<li>Frequency band of restricted use for wireless microphones from 614-806&nbsp;MHz to 614-698&nbsp;MHz in table XV of item 20.</li>

<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:580px;" width="0">
<td align="center" style="width: 90px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Radio-<br>
<td align="center" style="width: 80px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Bandwidth</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 85px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Frequency Stability</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 75px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Conditions<br>
of Use of Spectrum</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 75px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Operating Restrictions</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 125px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Power Limit Or Field Intensity In The Operation Band</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 100px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Power Limit Or Field Intensity Outside the Band and Spurious</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 90px;height: 31px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">72-73 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 80px;height: 31px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">&le; 200 KHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 85px;height: 31px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">Sub-item 5.3</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 75px;height: 31px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">-</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 75px;height: 31px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">-</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 125px;height: 31px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">80 mV/m @ 3m</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 100px;height: 31px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">Sub-item 5.2</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 90px;height: 24px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">74.6-74.8 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 80px;height: 24px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">&le; 200 KHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 85px;height: 24px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">Sub-item 5.3</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 75px;height: 24px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">-</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 75px;height: 24px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">-</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 125px;height: 24px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">80 mV/m @ 3m</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 100px;height: 24px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">Sub-item 5.2</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 90px;height: 32px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">75.2-76 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 80px;height: 32px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">&le; 200 KHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 85px;height: 32px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">Sub-item 5.3</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 75px;height: 32px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">-</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 75px;height: 32px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">-</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 125px;height: 32px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">80 mV/m @ 3m</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 100px;height: 32px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">Sub-item 5.2</span></span></td>

<li>The emission limits outside the range or spurious for the frequency bands 72‑73&nbsp;MHz, 74.6‑74.8&nbsp;MHz and 75.2‑76&nbsp;MHz (for audio, video, or remote monitoring) contained in table XV of item 20</li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">India - Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment (MTCTE) Moved to April 1, 2018</h4>

<p>India&rsquo;s <em>Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC)</em> has published a revised draft of their &ldquo;Procedure for Mandatory Testing &amp; Certification of Telecommunication Equipment&rdquo; (MT&amp;CTE) proposing the date for mandatory testing will be changed to April 1, 2018 instead of the previously stated date of October 1, 2018. Currently, it is not possible to test and certify for TEC, however TEC is in the process of appointing local Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). Many details remain pending with regards to implementation and full scope of the scheme.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Pakistan - Implementation of New Type Approval Regulation</h4>

<p>On December 31, 2017, Pakistan&rsquo;s Regulator, <em>Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA)</em>, implemented a new Type Approval regulation with immediate effect. A summary of the main changes follows:</p>

<li>Addition of low power short range keyless entry system/remote controls on non-interference basis to the Type Approval Exemption List.</li>
<li>Satellite Terminal Equipment is now included as a Type Approval category.</li>
<li>Test reports issued to RE Directive 2014/53/EU will now be accepted for Type Approval, as well as test reports to R&amp;TTE.</li>

<p>PTA still requires one sample of equipment requiring mandatory Type Approval in Pakistan.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Singapore - Cessation of Registration for 450 &ndash; 470 MHz Short Range Devices</h4>

<p>On December 18, 2017, Singapore&rsquo;s <em>IMDA</em> issued a notice stating that Short Range Devices (SRD) operating in the 450&ndash;470 MHz frequency band can no longer be approved, and existing approvals can no longer be renewed. This is to prevent interference with IMT Services. This notice came into effect on January 1, 2018; the sale of such SRD devices must stop by March 31, 2018.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Mexico - WWAN Local Testing to be Introduced for Mobile Terminal Devices</h4>

<p>On January 3, 2018, Mexican Regulator, <em>Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT)</em>, issued technical disposition IFT-011-2017, part 2, stating that WWAN local testing requirements will be implemented in Mexico within 90 days and are expected to be in force as of April 3, 2018. This new requirement affects only new Type Approval applications for terminal devices with cellular technology. Also note as follows:</p>

<ol type="a">
<li>Devices which already have a permanent or provisional approval in place are not affected (any provisional certificates can be renewed under the original standard they were approved to).</li>
<li>IFT-011-2017 part 2 is only applicable to host devices, and is not applicable to modules.</li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Argentina - WWAN Local Testing Required Effective June 24, 2018</h4>

<p>On December 26, 2017, Argentina&rsquo;s Regulator, <em>Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM)</em>, issued Resoluci&oacute;n 5762/2017 stating that WWAN local testing will be officially implemented in Argentina within 180 days, meaning June 24, 2018. At this time, all cellular devices with other integrated radios such as Bluetooth and WLAN already require Type Approval in Argentina via local testing. Upon implementation of Resoluci&oacute;n 5762/2017, additional local testing will be needed on the cellular radios. Existing approvals will require local testing on WWAN radios at the time of renewal. The exact sample requirements have yet to be established. Local testing will consist of validating the cellular bands in which the device will operate nationally via conducted testing. The table below shows the cellular bands to be validated.</p>

<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:560px;" width="0">
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Technology</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Frequency band</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Uplink (UL)</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Downlink (DL)</strong></span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><strong>Duplex<br>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">GSM 850</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">GSM 850 / Band V</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">GSM 850 / Banda V</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">869 MHz &ndash; 894 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">45</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">PCS 1900</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">PCS 1900 / Band II</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">1850 MHz &ndash; 1910 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">1930 MHz &ndash; 1990 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">80</span></span></td>
<td align="center" rowspan="6" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">LTE</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">4</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">1710 MHz &ndash; 1755 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">1710 MHz &ndash; 1755 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">400</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">7</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">2500 MHz &ndash; 2570 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">2620 MHz &ndash; 2690 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">120</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">8</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">905 MHz &ndash; 915 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">950 MHz &ndash; 960 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">45</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">10</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">1710 MHz &ndash; 1770 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">2110 MHz &ndash; 2170 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">400</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">28</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">703 MHz &ndash; 748 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">758 MHz &ndash; 803 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">55</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">38</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">2570 MHz &ndash; 2620 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 29px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">2570 MHz &ndash; 2620 MHz</span></span></td>
<td align="center" style="height: 23px;border-collapse: collapse;"><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif">0</span></span></td>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Kuwait - New Online System at CITRA</h4>

<p>Effective December 2017, Kuwait&rsquo;s Regulator, <em>Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA)</em>, launched a new online system for Type Approval services. Companies applying for Type Approval either directly or on behalf of manufacturers are obligated to register on the system before seeking Approval. There is no change to the Type Approval fees or documentation requirements as a result of this change but the lead-time for approval is expected to be reduced.</p>

<table style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="bodyContent" style="padding-top: 20px; border-collapse: collapse;" valign="top">
<div style="color: #505050; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 14px; line-height: 150%; text-align: left; margin-left: 10px;">
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B1"></a><strong>Multipoint Newsletter February 2018</strong></h4>
<p><h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B1"></a>RF Exposure for Equipment Operating above 95 GHz</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> We are developing a wireless product that will operate above 95 GHz. Will the FCC require Radio Frequency (RF Exposure) hazard testing for wireless devices that operate above 95 GHz?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> The FCC released <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">FCC&nbsp;18-17</a>, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), on February 28, 2018, seeking comments on its plan to facilitate innovative services and technologies in the spectrum above 95&nbsp;GHz by making it more readily accessible. Per FCC&nbsp;18‑17, it is clear that the FCC expects licensees with products that operate in the bands 95‑100&nbsp;GHz, 102‑109.5&nbsp;GHz, 111.8‑114.25&nbsp;GHz, 122.25‑123&nbsp;GHz, 130‑134&nbsp;GHz, 141‑148.5&nbsp;GHz, 151.5‑158.5&nbsp;GHz, 174.5‑174.8&nbsp;GHz, 231.5‑232&nbsp;GHz, and 240‑241&nbsp;GHz to adhere to its RF exposure requirements parameters found in &sect;1.1307(b), &sect;2.1091 and &sect;2.1093.&nbsp;</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B2" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>Frequency Stability for Equipment Operating above 95 GHz</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> Based on FCC&nbsp;18‑17, will the FCC require frequency stability as a function of temperature and voltage for wireless devices that operate above 95&nbsp;GHz?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> As currently written, FCC&nbsp;18‑17 will require compliance to the frequency stability rules and regulations for unlicensed devices in the bands 95‑100&nbsp;GHz, 102‑109.5&nbsp;GHz, 111.8‑114.25&nbsp;GHz, 122.25‑123&nbsp;GHz, 130‑134&nbsp;GHz, 141‑148.5&nbsp;GHz, 151.5‑158.5&nbsp;GHz, 174.5‑174.8&nbsp;GHz, 231.5‑232&nbsp;GHz, and 240‑241&nbsp;GHz bands. The fundamental emissions must be contained within the frequency bands specified above during all conditions of operation. The FCC expects unlicensed equipment will operate over the temperature range &minus;20 to +50 degrees Celsius with an input voltage variation of 85% to 115% of rated input voltage, unless justification is provided that proves otherwise. Conversely, licensed devices that operate above 95&nbsp;GHz are exempt from frequency stability as a function of temperature and voltage in the aforementioned bands.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B3" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>FCC Spectrum Access System</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> What is the purpose of the FCC Spectrum Access System (SAS)?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> The SAS is a spectrum sharing agenda adopted by the FCC for the 3550‑3650 MHz section of the 3.5&nbsp;GHz band that coordinates spectrum access among incumbent military radars, satellite earth stations, and new commercial users.</p>

<p>There are three tiers of use: incumbent military radars, Priority Access License (PAL), and General Authorized Access (GAA). The FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) and the Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) conditionally approved four entities as Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) operators in the 3550‑3600&nbsp;MHz portion of the 3.5&nbsp;GHz band: CommScope, Federated Wireless, Inc., Google, Inc., and Key Bridge Wireless LLC.</p>

<p>These ESC operators manage a sensor system designed to detect the presence of federal incumbent radar transmissions and communicate the information to one or more Spectrum Access Systems (SAS) in accordance with the FCC rules, and enable more dynamic sharing between federal and non-federal users in this band, particularly in coastal areas.</p>

<p>Kurt Schaubach, CTO, Federated Wireless, provides an informative description of the SAS in the CBRS Alliance blog <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">The Technology Behind Spectrum Sharing: The Spectrum Access System</a>.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B4" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a>FCC Certification for U.S. Territories and Possessions</h4>

<p><strong>Question:</strong> Our device has FCC certification. Does this certification allow us to sell our device in Puerto Rico?</p>

<p><strong>Answer:</strong> If a device receives FCC certification per Part 2 Subpart J, it can be marketed and used throughout the U.S. and its territories and possessions including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam, per the Communications Act of 1934. While additional equipment authorization is typically not required for use in these insular areas, the specified frequency must not conflict with the applicable frequency allocations, e.g. the International Table of Frequency Allocations for Region 2 (the Americas), or Region 3 (the Pacific, including Guam), or the National Table of Frequency Allocations administered by the FCC.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;"><a name="B6" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"></a><strong>Standards Updates</strong></h4>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New CENELEC Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the CENELEC standards published or made available during the past month:</p>

<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258367,63598,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 60068-2-52:2018</a> - (February 2018) - Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride solution)</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:2317905,61725,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 60598-1:2015/A1:2018</a> - (February 2018) - Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257963,64981,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN 62489-1:2010/A2:2018</a> - (February 2018) - Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing - Part 1: Methods of measuring and specifying the performance of system components</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257227,62160,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 62822-3:2018</a> - (February 2018) - Electric welding equipment - Assessment of restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 Hz) - Part 3: Resistance welding equipment</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257871,60285,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 62828-1:2018</a> - (February 2018) - Reference conditions and procedures for testing industrial and process measurement transmitters - Part 1: General procedures for all types of transmitters</li>
<li><a href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257959,62456,25" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EN IEC 60519-12:2018</a> - (March 2018) - Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing - Part 12: Particular requirements for infrared electroheating</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CENELEC</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New ETSI Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the new ETSI standards published during the past month:</p>

<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI EN 302 054 V2.2.1</a> - (February 2018) - Meteorological Aids (Met Aids); Radiosondes to be used in the 400,15 MHz to 406 MHz frequency range with power levels ranging up to 200 mW; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI TR 103 265 V1.2.1</a> - (February 2018) - Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Definition of radio parameters</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ETSI website</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">EU: New IEC Standards Recently Released</h4>

<p>This is a shortened list of the new IEC standards published during the past month:</p>

<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC TR 62905:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/6/2018) - Exposure assessment methods for wireless power transfer systems</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61000-6-4:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (2/7/2018) - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 61000-6-4:2018 RLV, Ed. 3.0</a> - (2/7/2018) - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60335-2-5:2012/AMD1:2018, Ed. 6.0</a> - (2/9/2018) - Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62236-1:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (2/9/2018) - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 1: General</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62236-1:2018 RLV, Ed. 3.0</a> - (2/9/2018) - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 1: General</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62236-2:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (2/9/2018) - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 2: Emission of the whole railway system to the outside world</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62236-2:2018 RLV, Ed. 3.0</a> - (2/9/2018) - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 2: Emission of the whole railway system to the outside world</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62995:2018 PRV, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/9/2018) - Railway applications - Rolling stock - Rules for installation of cabling</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ISO 80601-2-55:2018, Ed. 2.0</a> - (2/12/2018) - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-55: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">ISO/IEC 30140-1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/14/2018) - Information technology - Underwater acoustic sensor network (UWASN) - Part 1: Overview and requirements</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62236-4:2018 RLV, Ed. 3.0</a> - (2/15/2018) - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 4: Emission and immunity of the signalling and telecommunications apparatus</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 62988:2018 PRV, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/16/2018) - Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Selection and use of wireless devices</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60068-2:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/20/2018) - Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60079:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/20/2018) - Explosive atmospheres - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60086:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/20/2018) - Primary batteries - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60204:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/20/2018) - Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60601-1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/20/2018) - Medical electrical equipment - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC 60825:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (2/20/2018) - Safety of laser products - ALL PARTS</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">CISPR 15:2018 PRV, Ed. 9.0</a> - (2/16/2018) - Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment</li>

<p>See <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">IEC</a> for additional information.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Canada &ndash; SLPB-001-18, License Renewal Process for AWS-1 and PCS</h4>

<p>In February 2018, Canada&rsquo;s Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) released <a href="$FILE/SLPB-001-18E.pdf" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">SLPB-001-18 &ndash; Spectrum Licence Renewal Process for Advanced Wireless Services (AWS-1) and Other Spectrum in the 2 GHz Range</a> which sets decisions with respect to the license renewal process related to eligibility for renewal, license terms, deployment requirements, and other conditions for new licenses for the following spectrum bands:</p>

<li>Advanced Wireless Services band 1710‑1755&nbsp;MHz/2110‑2155&nbsp;MHz (AWS-1)</li>
<li>Personal Communications Services (PCS) extension bands 1910‑1915&nbsp;MHz/1990‑1995&nbsp;MHz (G Block)</li>
<li>1670‑1675 MHz&nbsp;(I Block)</li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Indonesia &ndash; New Radio Frequency Regulation Draft</h4>

<p>Indonesia&rsquo;s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has released a draft regulation to permit WLAN products to operate on 5150‑5250&nbsp;MHz (Band 1), 5250‑5350&nbsp;MHz (Band 2), and 5470‑5725&nbsp;MHz (Band 3), in addition to the previously allowed frequencies 2400‑2483.5&nbsp;MHz and 5725‑5825&nbsp;MHz (Band 4). Until a final regulation is approved, WLAN devices will only be allowed to function on frequencies of 2400-2483.5&nbsp;MHz and 5725‑5825&nbsp;MHz (Band 4).</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Ukraine &ndash; New RED-Based Technical Regulation</h4>

<p>On April 1, 2018, in accordance with Decree #355 of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine, a new Technical Regulation based upon the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, will come into effect for radio-based products in Ukraine. This regulation includes a transition period until April 1, 2019 during which&nbsp;manufacturers may continue to ship products approved under the R&amp;TTE.</p>

<p>The new regulation requires that manufacturers and importers continue to confirm compliance of their equipment to the Ukrainian national standards through self-declaration and registration, or by Application for RED certification through Ukrainian Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). However, not all of the new RED technical standards&nbsp;have been produced, and it is therefore impossible for manufacturers or importers to confirm compliance via self-declaration and registration. A new list of technical standards is anticipated to be approved during the second half of 2018. Additionally, no changes will be made to the National Mark of Conformity under the RED.</p>

<p>Prior to April 1, 2018, radio equipment will be assessed under the Ukrainian Technical Regulation of Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment (R&amp;TTE).</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Brazil &ndash; ANATEL Resolutions Replaced by New Acts</h4>

<p>On February 9, 2018, Brazil&rsquo;s ANATEL revoked certain resolutions and replaced them with new acts. Resolutions 529 (Safety), 442 (EMC), 533 (SAR), and 481 (Batteries/Chargers for Mobile Phones) have been replaced by New Acts 950/2018, 952/2018, 955/2018, and 951/2018 respectively. Note that there are no changes to the requirements specified in the previous resolutions.</p>

<p>The New Acts can be found at:</p>

<li><a href=";id_documento=2787647&amp;id_orgao_publicacao=0" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Safety &ndash; Act 950/2018</a></li>
<li><a href=";id_documento=2787678&amp;id_orgao_publicacao=0" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">EMC &ndash; Act 952/2018</a></li>
<li><a href=";id_documento=2787720&amp;id_orgao_publicacao=0" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">SAR &ndash; Act 955/2018</a></li>
<li><a href=";id_documento=2787664&amp;id_orgao_publicacao=0" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">Batteries/Chargers for Mobile Phones &ndash; Act 951/2018</a></li>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Kenya &ndash; Proposed Regulation for IoT Devices</h4>

<p>Kenya&rsquo;s Communications Authority recently published a notification for a public consultation regarding upcoming technologies in the IoT (Internet of Things), M2M arenas, and specifically embedded SIMs (eSIMs). This consultation proposes national and international regulations to which eSIM devices must adhere, as well as changes to numbering assignation. Interested parties are to submit comments by March 6, 2018; details can be found <a href=" Consultation Document on Internet of Things (IoT).pdf" target="_blank" style="color: #1B4F9A;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">here</a>.</p>

<h4 style="color: #D57C13;display: block;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">Colombia &ndash; CRC 5050 Postponed Indefinitely</h4>

<p>Recently, Columbia&rsquo;s Telecommunications Authority issued CRC Resolution 5300 of 2018 providing new information regarding &ldquo;Revision of the homologation regime of terminal equipment&rdquo;. CRC&nbsp;5050 of 2016 was scheduled to come into effect on February 1, 2018, requiring all terminal equipment utilizing cellular bands to be homologated, even if the devices are only capable of data transmission. However, the implementation of CRC&nbsp;5050 has been postponed indefinitely as the Authority continues to develop its homologations program. Until further notice, all devices using cellular frequencies for data only can continue being certified under the &ldquo;no homologation process&rdquo;.</p>

No newsletter this month.

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<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B1"></a><strong>Multipoint Newsletter April 2018</strong></h4>
<p><h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B1"></a>Pre-Approval Guidance</h4>
<p><strong>Question:</strong> We developed a product that uses new technology that we believe is subject to FCC approval, however after an exhaustive search of the published FCC rules and regulations, we are unable to determine which standards would apply, or what testing would be required. How do we proceed?</p>
<p><strong>Answer:</strong> Based on your description, our recommendation is to first review the newest <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Pre-Approval Guidance List</a> to see if you can determine which of the three equipment authorization application classes apply to your product:</p>
<ol type="a">
<li>Devices subject to special conditions that require that the FCC approve the authorization procedures prior to approval by a TCB;</li>
<li>Devices that require a sample to be submitted to the FCC for pre-approval testing prior to approval by a TCB; or</li>
<li>Devices with new or unique operation or installation issues subject to FCC review prior to approval by a TCB.</li>
<p>Each class of authorization application has its own policies and procedures that must be followed in order to request and receive the necessary guidance in order to move forward. The specific requirements and process for each class are provided in the in-depth <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Pre-Approval Guidance Procedure</a>, previously known as the Permit But Ask Procedure.</p>
<hr />
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B2"></a>76-81 GHz Radar Devices</h4>
<p><strong>Question:</strong> Our vehicular radar products were FCC certified under Section 15.253. Do we need to recertify them under Part 95?</p>
<p><strong>Answer:</strong> According to the <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Equipment Authorization Guidance for 76‑81&nbsp;GHz Radar Devices</a> published on April 6, 2018, it is not necessary to recertify under Part 95 radars that were previously approved under Part 15. However, permissive changes and equipment operation are now subject to Part 95.</p>
<p>Additionally, unlicensed 24&nbsp;GHz wideband and ultra‑wideband vehicular radar applications will not be accepted starting September 20, 2018, and Class II permissive changes will not be allowed after January 1, 2022.</p>
<p>The guidance document provides additional transition information as well as technical requirements and limitations.</p>
<hr />
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B3"></a>FCC Authorization for Computers</h4>
<p><strong>Question:</strong> We are a systems integrator. Where can we find the latest information on FCC requirements for computers?</p>
<p><strong>Answer:</strong> The FCC has consolidated their authorization guidance for personal computers and personal computer peripherals, classified as Class B digital devices, into one <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">publication </a>which reflects rule changes in accordance with the First Report and Order FCC 17‑93. Within this document you will find definitions, criteria for testing and authorization with regard to complete systems, peripherals, components and sub-assemblies, requirements for assembling and marketing, and much more.</p>
<p>Class B personal computers and components are marketed for use anywhere, including residential environments, and include desktop, notebook, laptop and tablet computers. Class B computers and computer peripherals are subject to FCC authorization via certification or a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC).</p>
<p>Please note that computers, computer systems and peripherals marketed for use in commercial, industrial or business environments only are considered to be Class A digital devices, and as such, are outside the scope of the publication referenced above. If a computer is assembled with Class A and Class B components, it must be compliant with the limits for a Class A device.</p>
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<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B4"></a>Reusing Test Data</h4>
<p><strong>Question:</strong> We understand the FCC allows an applicant for equipment authorization to reference test data that was provided in a previous certification application for a similar product. How can we ensure that the test data we provided is not utilized by our competitors to certify their products?</p>
<p><strong>Answer:</strong> The FCC recently published <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Guidance for Referencing EMC and Radio Parameter Test Data in Equipment Authorization Applications</a>, which provides general guidance and specific requirements for reusing EMC and radio parameter test data from the certification applications of similar equipment, in order to reduce testing. This document clearly states that test data can only be reused for applications under the same Grantee Code, which prevents competitors from reusing your test data.</p>
<p>In the event that Grantee 1 wishes to reuse data previously submitted by Grantee 2, Grantee 2 must give permission to Grantee 1, in the form of a signed letter, to pursue a Change in FCC ID, per Section 2.933. Only after approval of Grantee 1’s Change in FCC ID application would Grantee 1 then be able to reuse the test data in Grantee 2’s test report. But this cannot happen without Grantee 2’s express permission in the form of the letter submitted with Grantee 1’s Change in FCC ID application.</p>
<p>The FCC guidance document includes very important considerations for reusing and/or referencing previously submitted test data, including requirements for device similarities, spot‑checking test data, and identifying, referencing and justifying data reuse.</p>
<p>Please note that RF exposure and SAR test reduction is generally not available, but allowable conditions are provided in KDB Publication 447498 D01 and others cited therein.</p>
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<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B6"></a><strong>Standards Updates</strong></h4>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">EU: New CENELEC Standards Recently Released</h4>
<p>This is a shortened list of the CENELEC standards published or made available during the past month:</p>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:887985,41869,25" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">EN 16602-40:2018</a> - (4/18/18) - Space product assurance - Safety</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258777,42556,25" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">EN 50443:2011</a> - (3/14/18) - Effects of electromagnetic interference on pipelines caused by high voltage a.c. electric traction systems and/or high voltage a.c. power supply systems</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258483,59055,25" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">EN 50496:2018</a> - (3/16/18) - Determination of workers' exposure to electromagnetic fields and assessment of risk at a broadcast site</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258039,64025,25" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">EN IEC 60749-26:2018</a> - (3/23/18) - Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 26: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitivity testing - Human body model (HBM)</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258161,60230,25" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">EN IEC 61010-2-120:2018</a> - (4/13/18) - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-120: Particular safety requirements for machinery aspects of equipment</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258337,60436,25" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">EN IEC 61204-7:2018</a> - (3/16/18) - Low-voltage switch mode power supplies - Part 7: Safety requirements</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258463,57170,25" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">EN IEC 61730-1:2018</a> - (4/27/18) - Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258463,60231,25" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">EN IEC 61730-2:2018</a> - (4/27/18) - Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing</li>
<p>See <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CENELEC</a> for additional information.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">EU: New ETSI Standards Recently Released</h4>
<p>This is a shortened list of the new ETSI standards published during the past month:</p>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ETSI EN 303 316 V1.2.1</a> - April 2018 - Broadband Direct Air-to-Ground Communications; Equipment operating in the 1&nbsp;900&nbsp;MHz to 1&nbsp;920&nbsp;MHz and 5&nbsp;855&nbsp;MHz to 5&nbsp;875&nbsp;MHz frequency bands; Beamforming antennas; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ETSI TS 102 361-4 V1.9.2</a> - April 2018 - Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Systems; Part 4: DMR trunking protocol</li>
<p>See <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ETSI website</a> for additional information.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">EU: New IEC Standards Recently Released</h4>
<p>This is a shortened list of the new IEC standards published during the past month:</p>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">IEC 62236-3-1:2018, Ed. 3.0</a> - (2/15/18) - Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 3-1: Rolling stock - Train and complete vehicle&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CISPR 16-1-1:2015/ISH1:2018, Ed. 4.0</a> - (4/10/18) - Interpretation sheet 1 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Measuring apparatus&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CISPR 16-4-2/AMD2:2018 PRV, Ed. 2.0</a> - (4/13/18) - Amendment 2 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">IEC 60335-2-76:2018 PRV, Ed. 3.0</a> - (4/13/18) - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-76: Particular requirements for electric fence energizers</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">IEC 60068-2:2018, Ed. 1.0</a> - (4/25/18) - Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - ALL PARTS&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</li>
<li><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">IEC 62153-4-8:2018 PRV, Ed. 2.0</a> - (4/6/18) - Metallic cables and other passive components - Test methods - Part 4-8: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Capacitive coupling admittance</li>
<p>See <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">IEC</a> for additional information.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">EU – National Language Requirements</h4>
<p>On March 14, 2018, the European Commission published National language requirements for the Radio Equipment Directive (RED; 2014/53/EU). The complete update can be found <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Canada – Release of RSS-GEN, Issue 5</h4>
<p>On April 26, 2018, Canada’s Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) published <em><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="$FILE/RSSGen5EN.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Radio Standards Specification RSS‑Gen, Issue 5, General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus</a></em>, replacing prior version RSS‑Gen, issue 4, dated November 2014. The changes are as follows:</p>
<li>New section 1.1 adds a provision for a transition period regarding RSS‑Gen.</li>
<li>New section 2.5 adds a provision for a transition period regarding applicable RSSs.</li>
<li>Section 2.7.1 adds the requirement for certified devices to be listed in the radio equipment list (REL) before they can be leased, offered for sale, or sold.</li>
<li>New section 2.8 adds a provision for radio apparatus used for demonstration purposes.</li>
<li>Section 2.9 updates the provision for requesting a special authorization.</li>
<li>Section 4 incorporates labelling specifications from RSP‑100, Certification of Radio Apparatus.</li>
<li>Section 5.3 clarifies that in the case of stand‑alone receivers not operating in the band 30‑960&nbsp;MHz that contain components which are covered by Interference-Causing Equipment Standards (ICES), the applicable ICES, including its labelling requirement, shall apply.</li>
<li>Section 6.2 adds a reference to the documents REC‑LAB, Procedure for the Recognition of Foreign Testing Laboratories, and DES‑LAB, Procedure for Designation and Recognition of Canadian Testing Laboratories, for requirements regarding test site facilities.</li>
<li>Section 6.6 adds applicable restrictions when measuring field strength above 30&nbsp;MHz at a distance greater than 30 m from the equipment under test.</li>
<li>Section 6.8 modifies the transmit antenna section to apply to both licensed and licence‑exempt equipment.</li>
<li>Section 6.9 clarifies the requirements for test frequencies versus operating frequency bands.</li>
<li>Section 6.10 adds a requirement for average detectors to comply with the characteristics given in Publication #16 of the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CAN/CSA‑CISPR) 16‑1‑1:15.</li>
<li>Section 6.11 clarifies the requirements for the power supply voltage to be used when measuring transmitter frequency stability.</li>
<li>Section 6.13.2 extends the frequency range for measuring unwanted emissions to 200&nbsp;GHz and adds a provision on measurement for equipment containing digital devices at a higher frequency.</li>
<li>Section 8.7 clarifies the conditions for passive RFID tags to be exempt from any ISED certification, testing and labelling requirements.</li>
<li>Section 8.9 adds the frequency bands 0.495‑0.505&nbsp;MHz, 8.41425‑8.41475&nbsp;MHz, 149.9‑150.05&nbsp;MHz, 162.0125‑167.17&nbsp;MHz, 167.72‑173.2&nbsp;MHz and 2483.5‑2500&nbsp;MHz to the Table of Restricted Frequency Bands.</li>
<li>Section 8.11 clarifies a requirement for the frequency stability of unlicensed devices where the frequency stability limit is not specified.</li>
<li>Section 9 no longer includes definitions which are related to specific RSSs.</li>
<li>Editorial updates and improvements have been made.</li>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Canada – Release of RSS‑140, Issue 1</h4>
<p>On April 5, 2018, Canada’s Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) published <em><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="$file/RSS-CNR-140-issue1.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Radio Standards Specification 140 (RSS‑140), Issue 1, Equipment Operating in the Public Safety Broadband Frequency Bands 758‑768&nbsp;MHz and 788-798&nbsp;MHz</a></em>, setting out the certification requirements for equipment operating in the public safety broadband frequency bands 758‑768&nbsp;MHz and 788‑798&nbsp;MHz. The equipment covered by this new standard is classified as Category I equipment. A technical acceptance certificate (TAC) issued by ISED’s Certification and Engineering Bureau, or a certificate issued by a certification body (CB), is required.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Canada – Release of REC-LAB, Issue 6</h4>
<p>In March, Canada’s Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) released <em><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="$file/REC-LAB-v6-eng.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Procedure for the Recognition of Foreign Testing Laboratories, Issue 6 (REC‑LAB, Issue 6)</a></em> describing the criteria and procedure for recognition by ISED of foreign testing laboratories to test to Canadian requirements for telecommunications terminal equipment, radio apparatus (NEW) and broadcasting equipment (NEW) standards. Effective March 15, 2019, ISED’s current Test Site Registration program for wireless device testing labs will be discontinued. After that date, ISED will only accept test reports from non‑Canadian labs formally designated by NIST (or the appropriate recognized accreditation body) and recognized by ISED for specific standards. It is suggested that labs that have an ISED site registration expiring before March 15, 2019 extend their registration until March 15, 2019 or until recognition is achieved.</p>
<p>Please note the following two important sections of REC‑LAB:</p>
<li>Section 7 Scope of Accreditation identifies the standards for which labs can be recognized. Labs that wish to have recognition for a partial standard not already shown as subdivided in this section will need to obtain prior approval from ISED via the General Inquiry Form as noted.</li>
<li>Section 8 Testing Laboratory Technical Assessment Checklist is a new technical assessment checklist that must be completed by the accreditation body and provided by the lab to ISED as part of the designation process.</li>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">China – Update Published for CCC Mark</h4>
<p>China’s Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA) published an update for its CCC mark. As of March 20, 2018, CCC mark printing no longer needs to be approved by the CNCA, and the CCC mark application fee has been eliminated. Manufacturers may now print and use the CCC mark per the CNCA regulation.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Thailand – New Standard Issued for 78‑79&nbsp;MHz and 245‑247&nbsp;MHz Bands</h4>
<p>Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) issued NBTC TS 1002‑256, replacing standard NTC TS 1002‑2553. This new standard was effective as of February 24, 2018 and the main changes affect bandwidth, rated carrier power, and frequency deviation. Please note, there is no change to the Type Approval schemes for products operating in these bands requiring National Class B certification, and no impact to products that have already been approved based on the previous standard.</p>

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<div style="color: #505050; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 14px; line-height: 150%; text-align: left; margin-left: 10px;">
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B1"></a><strong>Multipoint Newsletter May 2018</strong></h4>
<p><h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B1"></a>Long-Term Confidentiality for Internal Photographs</h4>
<p><strong>Question:</strong> We manufacture a handheld medical device for which we will be seeking FCC certification; it is used in conjunction with an implantable medical device. We feel it is critically important to permanently withhold from public view the internal photographs of the handheld device. Our research on this topic indicates that the FCC is likely to approve such a request if the internal components and printed circuit board are enclosed in epoxy, however this is not the case with our handheld device. How do we proceed?</p>
<p><strong>Answer:</strong> Under special conditions, the FCC will consider granting long-term confidentiality to the internal photograph exhibit which will include the printed circuit board and components. The certification application cover letter requesting long-term confidentiality for the internal photograph exhibit must include the following justification, which should be as specific and detailed as possible:</p>
<li>A sample of the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) that the grantee will enter into with every purchaser, professional designated technician, third-party sales, and end user of the device.</li>
<li>A statement that all sales of the device will be subject to the NDA, including third party sales, as well as the final user of the device.</li>
<li>A detailed description as to how the internal photographs are controlled to prevent disclosure to unauthorized persons or to the public.</li>
<li>A description of the restrictions in place to prevent public access to products serviceable by professional designated technicians.</li>
<li>The key terms and stipulations of the NDA, to indicate consistency between the long-term confidentiality request letter and the NDA itself.</li>
<p>This and other information concerning both long-term confidentiality and short-term confidentiality can be found <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.</p>
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<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B2"></a>Ultrasonic Device Compliance</h4>
<p><strong>Question:</strong> We design a 30 kHz ultrasonic device that is used to clean nuclear rods. Is this device subject to FCC regulations?</p>
<p><strong>Answer:</strong> Because your device uses radio frequency to generate the ultrasonic waves, it is indeed subject to FCC regulations, including authorization via certification or SDoC as appropriate. <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=";SID=4c757dd9b91ed1b3396914d073b4fa3a&amp;mc=true&amp;n=sp47.1.18.c&amp;r=SUBPART&amp;ty=HTML#se47.1.18_1301" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">47CFR§18</a> addresses Industrial, Scientific and Medical equipment. Specifically, you should review <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=";SID=4c757dd9b91ed1b3396914d073b4fa3a&amp;mc=true&amp;n=sp47.1.18.c&amp;r=SUBPART&amp;ty=HTML#se47.1.18_1305" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">47CFR§18.305</a> for the field strength limits, <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=";SID=4c757dd9b91ed1b3396914d073b4fa3a&amp;mc=true&amp;n=sp47.1.18.c&amp;r=SUBPART&amp;ty=HTML#se47.1.18_1307" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">47CFR§18.307</a> for the conducted limits, and <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=";SID=4c757dd9b91ed1b3396914d073b4fa3a&amp;mc=true&amp;n=sp47.1.18.c&amp;r=SUBPART&amp;ty=HTML#se47.1.18_1311" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">47CFR§18.311</a> for notes on the measurement methods.</p>
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<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B3"></a>Rack-Mounted Licensed Transmitter Certification</h4>
<p><strong>Question:</strong> Is it possible to certify under one FCC ID a rack-mounted licensed transmitter system with multiple amplifiers marketed with one or more external amplifier modules?</p>
<p><strong>Answer:</strong> Rack-mounted licensed transmitters with multiple amplifiers marketed with one or more amplifier modules can be approved under one FCC ID only under the following conditions:</p>
<li>The amplifier modules are identical in design.</li>
<li>The addition or deletion of amplifier modules changes only the output power. Each output power version must be indicated by a separate equipment specifications line item on the FCC grant. For example, each combination (e.g. 1, 2, or 3 identical "stacked" power amplifiers) must have 3 line items.</li>
<li>The frequency range of different models with different modules must be identical. There can be no differences in the frequency operational range or determining circuitry between the different models with different installed amplifier modules.</li>
<li>Certification applications must include test results with the maximum number of amplifier modules installed. Though only the full rack configuration must be tested and the resulting test data submitted, the Grantee is responsible for ensuring compliance of all configurations to the FCC rules and regulations.</li>
<p>Please note the following:</p>
<li>47CFR§2.1043, Changes in certificated equipment, does not allow a change in the maximum output power so it is not permissible to increase output power beyond that in the original application, nor does it allow a change in frequency determining or output power circuitry, so it is not permissible to add non-identical plug-in modules other than the original module via a Class 2 Permissive Change.</li>
<li>Unlicensed Part 15 transmitters must follow the Part 15 amplifier requirements in 47CFR§15.204.</li>
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<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B4"></a>Modifying Modular Approved Transmitters</h4>
<p><strong>Question:</strong> We obtained modular approval for our transmitter that has voltage regulator circuitry. We would now like to permanently move the voltage regulator circuitry to the host device. Only we will install the transmitter module into the host device. What if any impact will these changes have on the existing modular approval certification?</p>
<p><strong>Answer:</strong> The scenario you propose is not allowed by the FCC. It is not permissible to change a modular approval to a limited modular approval, nor is it permissible to change the circuitry of an existing certification. In order to be in compliance with the FCC rules and regulations, the only solution is to apply for a new limited modular approval certification under a new FCC ID for the transmitter without the voltage regulator circuitry, with the condition that only you, the grantee, be able to install the module on the host device with the approved regulator circuitry, following appropriate testing of the host device of course.</p>
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<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" name="B6"></a><strong>Standards Updates</strong></h4>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">EU: New CENELEC Standards Recently Released</h4>
<p>This is a shortened list of the CENELEC standards published or made available during the past month:</p>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257151,66953,25">EN 62053-11:2003/A1:2017/AC:2018-05</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/4/2018 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 11: Electromechanical meters for active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2)</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257151,66952,25">EN 62053-21:2003/A1:2017/AC:2018-05</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/4/2018 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 21: Static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257151,66951,25">EN 62053-22:2003/A1:2017/AC:2018-05</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/4/2018 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 22: Static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257151,66950,25">EN 62053-23:2003/A1:2017/AC:2018-05</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/4/2018 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 23: Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3)</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257151,66949,25">EN 62053-24:2015/A1:2017/AC:2018-05</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/4/2018 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 24: Static meters for reactive energy at fundamental frequency (classes 0,5 S, 1 S and 1)</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257217,65564,25">EN IEC 62485-1:2018</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/4/2018 - Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 1: General safety information</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257217,65565,25">EN IEC 62485-2:2018</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/4/2018 - Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 2: Stationary batteries</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257217,65566,25">EN IEC 62485-4:2018</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/4/2018 - Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 4: Valve-regulated lead-acid batteries for use in portable appliances</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258483,62047,25">EN 50527-2-2:2018</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/11/2018 - Procedure for the assessment of the exposure to electromagnetic fields of workers bearing active implantable medical devices - Part 2-2: Specific assessment for workers with cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs)</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258367,67124,25">EN IEC 60068-3-6:2018/AC:2018-05</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/11/2018 - Environmental testing - Part 3-6: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature/humidity chambers</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258461,44670,25">EN 61400-22:2011</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/16/2018 - Wind turbines - Part 22: Conformity testing and certification</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257161,61530,25">EN IEC 60601-2-2:2018</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/18/2018 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of high frequency surgical equipment and high frequency surgical accessories</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1257161,62688,25">EN 60601-2-43:2010/A1:2018</a></span>&nbsp;- 5/18/2018 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for interventional procedures</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258463,67194,25">EN IEC 61730-2:2018/AC:2018-06</a></span>&nbsp;- 6/1/2018 - Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href=",FSP_PROJECT,FSP_LANG_ID:1258043,63677,25">EN IEC 62228-1:2018</a></span>&nbsp;- 6/1/2018 - Integrated circuits - EMC evaluation of transceivers - Part 1: General conditions and definitions</li>
<p>See <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CENELEC</a> for additional information.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">EU: New ETSI Standards Recently Released</h4>
<p>This is a shortened list of the new ETSI standards published during the past month:</p>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">ETSI EN 302 245 V2.1.1</a></span>- (June 2018) - Transmitting equipment for the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) sound broadcasting service; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">ETSI EN 302 969 V1.3.1</a></span> - (May 2018) - Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Radio Reconfiguration related requirements for Mobile Devices&nbsp;</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">ETSI EN 303 095 V1.3.1</a></span> - (May 2018) - Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Radio reconfiguration related architecture for Mobile Devices (MD)</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">ETSI TR 103 541 V1.1.1</a></span> - (May 2018) - Environmental Engineering (EE); Best practice to assess energy performance of future Radio Access Network (RAN) deployment</li>
<p>See <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ETSI website</a> for additional information.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">EU: New IEC Standards Recently Released</h4>
<p>This is a shortened list of the new IEC standards published during the past month:</p>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 60204-11:2018, Ed. 2.0</a></span> - 5/4/2018 - Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 11: Requirements for equipment for voltages above 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC and not exceeding 36 kV</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 60812:2018, Ed. 3.0</a></span> - 5/4/2018 - Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA and FMECA)</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 60939-3:2015/COR2:2018, Ed. 1.0</a></span> - 5/7/2018 - Corrigendum 2 - Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 3: Passive filter units for which safety tests are appropriate</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC TS 62915:2018, Ed. 1.0</a></span> - 5/7/2018 - Photovoltaic (PV) modules - Type approval, design and safety qualification - Retesting</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 62988:2018, Ed. 1.0</a></span> - 5/7/2018 - Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Selection and use of wireless devices</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 61265:2018, Ed. 2.0</a></span> - 5/8/2018 - Electroacoustics - Instruments for measurement of aircraft noise - Performance requirements for systems to measure sound pressure levels in noise certification of aircraft</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 61000-2-2:2002/AMD2:2018, Ed. 2.0</a></span> - 5/9/2018 - Amendment 2 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 62153-4-7:2015/AMD1:2018, Ed. 2.0</a></span> - 5/9/2018 - Amendment 1 - Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-7: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Test method for measuring of transfer impedance ZT&nbsp;and screening attenuation aS&nbsp;or coupling attenuation aC&nbsp;of connectors and assemblies up to and above 3 GHz - Triaxial tube in tube method</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 62153-4-7:2015+AMD1:2018, Ed. 2.1</a></span> - 5/9/2018 - Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-7: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Test method for measuring of transfer impedance ZT&nbsp;and screening attenuation aS&nbsp;or coupling attenuation aC&nbsp;of connectors and assemblies up to and above 3 GHz - Triaxial tube in tube method</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 61000-2-2:2002+AMD1:2017+AMD2:2018, Ed. 2.2</a></span> - 5/9/2018 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 62153-4-17:2018, Ed. 1.0</a></span> - 5/11/2018 - Metallic cables and other passive components - Test methods - Part 4-17: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Reduction factor</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">ISO/IEC 80079-34:2018, Ed. 2.0</a></span> - 5/11/2018 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of quality management systems for Ex Product manufacture</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">CISPR 15:2018, Ed. 9.0</a></span> - 5/15/2018 - Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 62368-1:2018, Ed. 3.0</a></span> - 5/25/2018 - Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 61010-031:2015/AMD1:2018, Ed. 2.0</a></span> - 5/29/2018 - Amendment 1 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held and hand-manipulated probe assemblies for electrical test and measurement.</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 62153-4-9:2018 RLV</a></span> - 5/29/2018 - Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4 - 9: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Coupling attenuation of screened balanced cables, triaxial method</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 62153-4-9:2018, Ed. 2.0</a></span> - 5/29/2018 - Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4 - 9: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Coupling attenuation of screened balanced cables, triaxial method</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 61010-031:2015+AMD1:2018, Ed. 2.1</a></span> - 5/29/2018 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held and hand-manipulated probe assemblies for electrical test and measurement.</li>
<li><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="">IEC 61340-6-1:2018, Ed. 1.0</a></span> - 6/1/2018 - Electrostatics - Part 6-1: Electrostatic control for healthcare - General requirements for facilities</li>
<p>See <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">IEC</a> for additional information.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">U.S. – FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for 2.5 GHz Band</h4>
<p>In its May 10, 2018 <a style="color: #1b4f9a; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Notice of Proposed Rulemaking</a>, the FCC acknowledges that the 2.5 GHz band (2496-2690 MHz) constitutes the single largest band of contiguous spectrum below 3 GHz, and identifies it as prime spectrum for next generation mobile operations, including 5G uses. The FCC proposes to allow more efficient and effective use of this spectrum band by providing greater flexibility to current EBS licensees, as well as providing new opportunities for additional entities to obtain unused 2.5 GHz spectrum to facilitate improved access to next generation wireless broadband, including 5G. The FCC also seeks comment on additional approaches for transforming the 2.5 GHz band, including moving directly to an auction for some or all of the spectrum.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">EU – REDCA Meeting Held May 16-17, 2018</h4>
<p>The 36th REDCA meeting was held in Copenhagen, Denmark May 16-17, 2018 in conjunction with the EUANB meeting at the same location. The REDCA meeting was attended by over 100 members and observers from the U.S., Canada, Japan, China, Korea, etc. Also, officials from the EU Commission, ECC, ETSI, NIST/USA and MIC Japan attended the event and provided valuable information for the meeting. The meeting included the following:</p>
<li>Technical questions asked within the REDCA membership in the last 6 months</li>
<li>A few reports on recent TCAM meetings and activities, including discussions on Article 3.3</li>
<li>An update on the situation of OJEU published standards</li>
<li>The current situation on guidance for RF Modules</li>
<li>The latest draft update to the RED Guide</li>
<li>Risk assessment and technical documentation updates</li>
<li>New RED TGNs (draft)</li>
<p>Additionally, presentations were given that support the work of the REDCA members:</p>
<li>Presentation by the EU Commission</li>
<li>Presentation by ADCO RED (Market Surveillance)</li>
<li>Presentation by ETSI on the latest developments</li>
<li>Presentation by ECC, highlighting their current activities</li>
<li>Update on Japanese regulations</li>
<li>Update from the recent U.S. TCBC Workshop including FCC rules and ISED changes in requirements for ISO/IEC 17025 test labs</li>
<p>The next meeting will be held in November 2018 in Berlin, Germany.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Ukraine – New Technical Regulation</h4>
<p>Beginning June 12, 2018, Ukraine’s National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (NCCIR) will implement new technical regulations requiring that radio equipment be registered with NCCIR and that the registration number be applied to the device. It is expected that prior to the June 12 implementation date, NCCIR will issue a list of devices to which these regulations apply, as well as publish procedures for registration and application of the registration number.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Indonesia – Type Approval Process Changes for SDoC Applications</h4>
<p>Indonesia’s Regulator, Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika (SDPPI), confirmed that effective May 22, 2018, all new Type Approval applications submitted via the paperwork-only process will require a local Indonesian company to act as the applicant/holder. Under prior rules, a paperwork-only Type Approval process was permitted for cellular phones, handheld computers, and computer tablets.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Vietnam – New Bluetooth and WLAN Approval Requirements</h4>
<p>On May 8, 2018, Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) officially signed Circular 04/2018/TT-BTTTT concerning products subject to Type Approval in Vietnam. This new circular is effective July 1, 2018 and replaces Circular 42/2016/TT-BTTTT. One aspect of Circular 04/2018/TT-BTTTT is that manufacturers will no longer be able to obtain a Letter of No Action (LoNA) for Bluetooth and WLAN products with an output power of less than 60mW. Effective July 1, 2018, all new Bluetooth and WLAN equipment will require full Type Approval via local testing, regardless of the output power of the device. At this point, it remains unconfirmed whether previously issued LoNA’s for such products will remain valid once Circular 04/2018/TT-BTTTT is formally implemented.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Namibia – Equipment Subject to Type Approval</h4>
<p>On May 8, 2018, the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) issued a notification in the official Government Gazette clarifying the scope of devices subject to Type Approval. The notification states that only communications and networking equipment which interface with public network services or wide area network services (e.g. telecommunications terminal equipment, information technology equipment, electronic communications network equipment) require Type Approval in Namibia. Additionally, the notification includes a list of equipment no longer subject to Type Approval in Namibia, such as embedded vehicle components, Bluetooth-only smart watches, Bluetooth-only speakers and low power alarm/movement detectors.</p>
<h4 style="color: #d57c13; display: block; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 10px 0;">South Africa – SABS EMC/EMI CoC Regulation</h4>
<p>The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) recently indicated there will be no retroactive compliance work necessary for any product imported into South Africa before June 1, 2017, when SABS EMC/EMI CoC (Certificate of Compliance) were not in place. The SABS EMC/EMI Conformity Assessment Scheme is now fully active, and manufacturers should submit a declaration to SABS, detailing all products imported into South Africa prior to June 1, 2017 and where SABS CoC’s are not in place. Manufacturers must seek SABS CoC’s for any product which has been imported into South Africa after June 1, 2017, where a CoC is not currently in place, and for any new non-telecommunications products not yet imported into the country.</p>

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