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FCC Publishes 47 CFR Parts 1 and 27, Transforming the 2.5 GHz Band

Desmond Fraser

On October 25, 2019, the FCC published 47 CFR Parts 1 and 27 [WT Docket No. 18–120; FCC 19–62], Transforming the 2.5 GHz Band, in the Federal Register Daily Journal of the United States Government.

This document, which serves as a final rule, revises the regulatory framework surrounding the 2.5 GHz band in order to make more mid-band spectrum available for next generation wireless services, including 5G. Amendments 27.14 (u) and (v) and 27.1204 are effective beginning November 25, 2019. The rest of the document will go into effect on April 27, 2020.

The requirements delineated in sections 27.14 (u) and (v) and 27.1204 now include amended collections subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13. These revisions will be submitted for review, and the FCC encourages comment on the modified information.

For more information, you can view the official document here.

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