On July 7, 2023 the Electronics Communications Committee (ECC) opened the following public consultations, accessible here and available for comments until August 18, 2023:
Draft CEPT Report 85 – “In response to the EC Permanent Mandate on the “Annual update of the technical annex of the Commission Decision on the technical harmonisation of radio spectrum for use by short range devices””
Draft CEPT Report 86 – “In response to the EC Permanent Mandate to CEPT regarding the regular update of the technical annex of the Commission Decisions on harmonisation of radio spectrum for use by Short Range Devices (SRD)”
Draft revision of ECC Decision (22)03 – “Technical characteristics, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of specific radiodetermination applications in the frequency range 116-260 GHz”
Draft revision of ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 6 – “Radiodetermination applications”